Suffering from tooth loss is distressing, however, with so many dental restoration options available, regaining your smile back is just a visit away to dentistry near you. Thanks to the development of dental technology, today you can choose from various tooth restoration options, each with its own advantages and benefits.
Dental implants are becoming the popular choice for tooth restoration, because of the many benefits they provide in restoring tooth function and appearance. If you would like to learn a little more about dental implants, our Dentist in Trenton is prepared to answer your questions and also help you understand better the role dental implants can play in restoring your smile. Let’s answer two of the most commonly asked questions about dental implants that we frequently hear from our patients.
How Do Dental Implants Work?
The implants are designed to function as the tooth roots to secure the prosthetic tooth and connect it to the jaw bone. Dental implants are extremely durable and dependable as they effectively provide enough support to the new tooth to help you regain comfortable bite function. Implants also help maintain your jaw health by supporting and stimulating the bone.
What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?
Losing a tooth or a set of teeth can cause you difficulties in biting and chewing. Furthermore, it can also impact your smile, as well as your dental health. Implants help you restore your tooth from the very roots so that the prosthetic tooth works just like your natural teeth. It improves your bite and helps you prevent jaw strain, which can lead to issues such as teeth grinding and TMJ disorder. Since the implants are on the jaw bone, they work to stimulate new bone growth, hence preventing future bone loss.
Consult with Southshore Dental
If you want to learn more about dental implants in Trenton, Michigan, we are ready to help you determine the best solution. You can regain your complete smile. Call us today to schedule a consultation.