
Invisalign Important Things To Know Before You Go

Invisalign Important Things To Know Before You Go

For most people, the thought of bearing the discomfort and unsightly appearance of wearing traditional braces can make them anxious and prevent them from straightening their crooked or misaligned teeth. If you also have similar concerns about traditional braces, then Invisalign may be the best option for you. It is a highly preferred alternative to braces because it is almost unnoticeable and highly effective in aligning the teeth without making you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

If you are curious to start Invisalign treatment, there are certain things you need to know before you book an appointment with an Invisalign dentist. Below is more important information to consider.

Wear Your Aligners

When you choose Invisalign treatment, you are making a full-time commitment. To see the best result, aligners should be worn for about 20-22 hours a day, or as prescribed by your Invisalign dentist. You can take them out when you have to eat, brush your teeth or floss.

It can be tempting to take out your aligners when things get tough, and certainly, it will be easy to forget to put them back on. If you tend to remove your aligners more than you should, then most likely you will get unsatisfactory results, or it would take longer to get the wanted result.

Adjust with Time

Your aligners will feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning. It will take a week or two for you to get used to moving your teeth and talking with Invisalign.

Since your aligners work to shift your teeth, your teeth might feel a little loose. Some patients also experience lisping before getting used to wearing aligners.

All challenges are only temporary and will go away in a few days. Also, your Invisalign dentist will keep a check on how the aligners are doing, and they look out for any issues.

Treatment Varies

Before getting Invisalign aligners, you need to understand that your treatment may be shorter or last longer than other patients depending on your issues. If your teeth are just slightly misaligned, the treatment can take a few months. But if your smile needs more time to straighten out, it can last longer.

Prior to the treatment, everything will be discussed during the consultation with your Invisalign dentist. Your dentist will look at your teeth, discuss your goals, make a treatment plan and let you know how long it will last for you.

Invisalign treatment can treat the most common orthodontic problems such as gaps, crowded teeth, overbites or underbites. However, it is not suitable for everyone. Factors like age, the severity of the issue, and commitment play a role in determining if Invisalign treatment is right for a patient.

You should talk to an Invisalign dentist to check whether Invisalign is right for you. The dentist will assess your ideal issues and health to help you decide if Invisalign is the best solution for your needs.

Want to know more about Invisalign treatment? Contact the experienced Invisalign dentist at Southshore Dental.

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